Weight: 1.8 oz.

Banded Iron Formation (BIF)

The banded iron formation is a geological unit composed of iron-rich rock. These formations have a banded pattern that is created when alternating layers of oxidized and reduced iron minerals are deposited.

They played a pivotal role in Earth’s history, as the iron extracted from BIFs during ancient geological periods contributed to the buildup of oxygen in the atmosphere, making it possible for complex life forms to evolve!!!

Hematite "aka" Bloodstone is brimming with healing properties. It is like throwing a protective cloak over your shoulder, grabbing your shield and sword, and stepping out the door. This stone brings a deep heartfelt confidence thanks to its ability to stop toxic emotions in their tracks. It is connected to the root chakra, which is the foundation of our stability in this world, and it keeps us clear-minded and sassy with self-care every single day.

For three thousand years, Hematite has been associated with magic and blood. It was used to prevent excessive bleeding in both the birthing bed and the battleground. It was worn by farmers and magicians to protect against curses and spells, and it has always been a stone that keeps the wearer well and truly grounded.

For those who sometimes feel like they live life a little on the timid side, Hematite is here to give your self-esteem a hearty boost. This new strength of character can help you to overcome all kinds of things. Addictive behaviors, poor patterns, and being a people pleaser. All these traits can be thrown out the window when Hematite comes in.

Hematite in the home and office keeps your space protected too. Its super strong grounding energy and its ability to get the mind to fine-tune focus means that you can be sure of getting your stuff done when Hematite is in your eye line. Hematite is a great Feng Shui stone for work and creative play. Place it in your office to encourage higher concentration or if you are an artist, you may also find it helpful to have it in any studio space. Another place you can put Hematite is by your front door to keep the whole space protected from any bad vibes entering.

Hematite is also good for keeping EMFs at bay.
 Hematite is a protective stone and is often used for blocking EMFs. Hematite is a great crystal to place in your work space or anywhere with an abundance of technology. It is also a good stone to wear if you are sensitive to the effects of EMFs. Hematite can protect against negative energy and thanks to its high iron content it can block anything harmful from entering your space.

It is a good choice to hold Hematite crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and envision a good sleep just before going to bed. Place the Hematite gemstone under your pillow while sleeping.

Love and dating is anything but easy.  If you're putting yourself out there ready to find new love, you'll need a stone that will give you strength, resiliency, security, and courage. That's exactly what hematite does.

Hematite is beneficial to those who are nervous or restless for no apparent cause.

While anyone can wear Hematite or own a stone and reap the rewards of its healing properties, there is one zodiac in particular that has a special love for Hematite. Those born under the sign of Aquarius find that working with a Hematite stone is highly beneficial.  (Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer)

Haematite restores, strengthens and regulates the blood supply, aiding blood conditions such as anaemia. It supports the kidneys and regenerates tissue. Stimulates the absorption of iron and formation of red blood cells. Treats leg cramps, anxiety and insomnia.

Without a doubt, the title holder for “World's Toughest Rock” has to go to Banded Iron Formation!