I am a 7th generation Witch from the Aran Coven in Ireland. I am known all over the world as one of, if not the best spell caster. I have been practicing witchcraft and spell casting my entire life with the Aran Coven. My 12 sisters in the Coven are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. We have worked closely with each other and other top Covens in the world for many years. I have helped many people over the years with all different situations. Money, Love, Career, weight loss, Health and disease, and the list goes on. I am very open minded and will customize your spell exactly the way you need it. Over the years I have learned of which items hold spells the best and have mastered the spells that I use. I enjoy my work and enjoy helping others. I have won several spell casting awards over the years including spell caster of the year and the golden spell award. I was rated the #1 Spell Caster in the world 6 times most recently this year. If you are in need of help and don’t know where to turn then look no further. I take the time with my customers to make sure they get the exact spell or spells they need. You will receive a custom spell tailored to your needs. The spell will be cast upon a stone pendant for you to wear around your neck. There will be a small binding ritual that you will need to perform before wearing the pendant. If you have any questions or any unusual spell request, please don't be afraid to ask. I have been around a long time and have seen it all. I look forward to working with you. thank you

Ring size 8: This is the world famous Award winning Aran Coven Money and Power Spell. This spell is a long time secret of the rich and famous and great leaders throughout time. This spell will bring you money and power. Their is only one percent of the world that is extremely rich and or famous. And most of them have one thing in common. They have their own personal Witch or Wizard casting spells for them. Throughout time our society has witnessed Kings, Queens, Presidents, Movie stars and the absolutely filthy rich. Many of them with a witch, wizard or warlock by their side casting spells like the one before you. Many years ago it was not a secret to the public that the great leaders had a personal Witch, Wizard or Warlock by their side. Over time it became less and less out in the open. Great leaders and the rich and famous did not want society to give credit to anyone else but themselves. So they their witch, wizard, or warlock a secret and still do to this day. This spell has been in the Aran Coven for the last 700 years. Some of you may have seen the workings of this spell over the years at different conventions and shows that we have done. You will receive this very same spell. This spell will absolutely change your life. You will be enlightened to a whole new world of money and power. Money will come very easy to you. Any and all financial decisions will bring you a win fall of money. You will be able to see clearer and think clearer on all aspects of your life. You will truly have all of the answers to yours and others lives and or problems. This new found knowledge and clarity will, if you chose, be able to bring you the respect and authority to go as far as you desire. You will have the ultimate Power of mind. The two spells combined will make you unstoppable. Sometimes in life people have the brains and the know how to accomplish anything they desire in life but unfortunately they do not have the money to back up their ideas. This spell is specially designed for this reason. You will have the ideas and the know how with the money to back it up. 

As per ebay rules: you understand that you are strictly purchasing this piece of jewelry as there is no value on anything “metaphysical” and metaphysical experiences or gains are strictly an added bonus to this item as a free gift. We are Not responsible for any paranormal or metaphysical experiences that may or may not occur. This listing is for the jewelry only.

Legally metaphysical items are considered to be for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 or older to bid and purchase. Paranormal experiences vary from person to person - and I am not liable for any metaphysical or paranormal activity you do, or do not, experience once my items are in your possession. Metaphysical items are not a substitute for medical, spiritual, financial, emotional or any other sort of professional care or guidance.

You understand that you are bidding only on the physical item which is described in this listing and which will be mailed to you. You also understand that I am not responsible for any paranormal activity you may or may not experience. Bidding on, or purchasing, any item, and/or completing other transaction(s) with me indicates you have read, understand, accept, and will fully comply with ALL of the above Terms and Conditions of Sale and frees me from any liability.

This agreement supersedes any and all previous oral and/or written agreements, 01-1-2017