About myself
Welcome all, my name is Mary Dane. I am a 7th generation Witch from the Aran Coven in Ireland. For more information about myself or the ring just ask. Thank you
The bracelet: 
 This spell has been 11 years in the making and is now ready for the public. This spell has the power to clean your Aura. You, and every other living person have an Aura. Some people have the ability to see others Aura’s around them. Your Aura defines your past, your present, and future. Your Aura determines if you will be happy, sad, lonely, rich, poor, strong, weak and so on. A clean aura removed of imperfections and clutter will allow the good things to come into your life. However if your aura is filled with imperfections, your life will never be fulfilled. You will never have the life that you want, the money that you need and the love that you deserve. The negativity that is present in a disorganized and cluttered aura will prevent you from achieving your goals, happiness, Love and success. Sometimes you feel that your life is just negatively spiraling out of control and there is no way to succeed. Just like you have to clean up your house or remove files from your computer you also have to clean your Aura from time to time. Simply wear the spell ring or pendant or bracelet for 48 hours and your Aura will be clean. You will feel 100x’s better. you will be open for positive energy with no negativity in the way. Thank you

As per ebay rules: you understand that you are strictly purchasing this piece of jewelry as there is no value on anything “metaphysical” and metaphysical experiences or gains are strictly an added bonus to this item as a free gift. We are Not responsible for any paranormal or metaphysical experiences that may or may not occur. This listing is for the jewelry only.

Legally metaphysical items are considered to be for entertainment purposes only. You must be 18 or older to bid and purchase. Paranormal experiences vary from person to person - and I am not liable for any metaphysical or paranormal activity you do, or do not, experience once my items are in your possession. Metaphysical items are not a substitute for medical, spiritual, financial, emotional or any other sort of professional care or guidance.

You understand that you are bidding only on the physical item which is described in this listing and which will be mailed to you. You also understand that I am not responsible for any paranormal activity you may or may not experience. Bidding on, or purchasing, any item, and/or completing other transaction(s) with me indicates you have read, understand, accept, and will fully comply with ALL of the above Terms and Conditions of Sale and frees me from any liability.

This agreement supersedes any and all previous oral and/or written agreements, 01-1-2017