Original set of 6 Vintage Photos: Stars from the Golden Age of Hollywood

A set of photos for your consideration.  These are actors and actresses popular during the 1940s through the 1950s and beyond.  Frances Gifford (known for the serial "Jungle Girl");  James Craig (know for "Kitty Foyle" and "The Devil and Daniel Webster");  Angela Lansbury (known for  "The Manchurian Candidate" and the television series "Murder, She Wrote"); Bob Walker (known for Hitchcock's "Strangers on a Train"); George Murphy (known for "Little Miss Broadway" and "Little Nellie Kelly"); and John Payne (known for "Miracle on 34th Street").  

My grandmother and mother collected film star photos and autographs from their respective eras.  I have silent movie star photos left from my grandmother, and film stars  from the 1940s and 1950s left from my mom.  My mom kept her collection in a scrapbook (and then removed them); and also numbered her photos in the order received.  I try to note all signs of pasting, numbers, pinholes, etc. in the description.  (The red ebay sign will not be imprinted on the photo; it is a security mark to prevent copying.)

These photos are all matte and measure at 3.5" x 5", with the exception of John Payne, The photo of John Payne is glossy and measures at 3" x 5".
Please note pinholes, numbers, bends, creases, signs of pasting, and other flaws exist on the photos.  The photos were well loved!  Please study the photos with care, so that you are aware of the condition of your purchase.

Be sure to check out my other listings.  I am adding items continuously!  Thank you!