Amber is one of the world’s oldest & most coveted treasures, ‘Gold of the Sea’ intrinsically formed by light & life, preserved by time & washed upon the shores for humanity, a talisman of beauty, protection & renewal. It has been portrayed as drops of the sun, tears of the gods, hardened honey & sunlight solidified, and is as desired today as it was in the most ancient cultures, utilised as far back as the Stone Age for its pleasing warmth of colour, value in adornment & its magical & medicinal properties.

Amber belongs to a small class of organic gems, neither a crystal nor a mineral but a biological product of nature, a protective resin that oozed from living trees in dense, prehistoric forests & fossilised over millions of years. It is highly prized in the metaphysical world for its energetic & healing properties, & for the marvelous Life Force it carries. Amber holds a strong connection to the sun & earth, as well as the once living insects, organisms & plant matter that are forever suspended within its golden structure.

It attunes to ancient wisdom & can be a powerful tool for past life recall or for stimulating the remembrance of genetic lessons & experiences passed down from one’s ancestors. It is useful for clearing family patterns & initiating one’s prerogative of choice.

Amber is a natural purifier, esteemed for its ability to draw pain & dis-ease from the physical body, as well as the mind & spirit, by absorbing negative or stagnant energies & transforming them into clear, positive energy. This stimulates the body’s own mechanisms to heal itself


- 1 x Natural Amber Chip Bracelet

- Standard Womens Size 7”

- (Please add a note for alternative sizing)

- Ethically Sourced from Mexico

- As Featured on Instagram @katauras