A One-Of-A-kind Original Painting by Artist Kalan Mikael

Measurements: 14 x 11 inches

Medium: Oil on Linen canvas

Condition: This painting is in great condition and ready to be packaged and ship to you - right out of my studio!

From among the order of the Aes Sadai, is the Green Ajah.

To be Green is to ' Stand Ready '

They are the fighters, the warriors, those who never cower in the face of adversity!

Throughout history we find strong and determined women leading the March in times of distress.

Some say it's the ' Mother's Instinct '

Some say it's because women have such an unparalleled connection with The Source!

Whichever you choose to believe is the reasoning, all I ask is that you give respect where respect is due💚✨️

Investment-Quality Piece: A Certificate of Authenticity signed and dated by the artist is included with this painting to guarantee its provenance. (Certificates of Authenticity)  are documents that accompany artwork and are used to verify the genuine nature of an artwork. These documents become especially important as artwork appreciates in value).