sure to watch the Via Gold gold search detector model price and features video on Asya Detector YouTube Channel .

Via Gold 2 Different technology systems are designed in a single device, thanks to this feature, it has the ability to detect treasures at a depth of 2.5 meters with a 2D Live graphic scanning system, and superficial coins and gold jewelry and objects with a digital value search system at a depth of 30 to 60 centimeters.

Via Gold detector model price and gold discrimination feature; It is a brand that was offered for sale in 2021 as the best gold treasure search device that can find structures such as cavity type tunnels, wells and graves from 2.5-3 depths.

Gold detector Via Gold has a high degree of metal discrimination when searching for treasure, and is guaranteed to find deep treasures and buried treasures, gold, silver, bronze, bronze type metals, statues, ingots, single coins, deep buried treasures and underground chamber tombs in terms of price and features.

Via Gold Gold Search Detector

Via Gold metal detector can distinguish gold objects and chambers from precious and non-precious metals such as gold, silver and copper, thanks to its special software and design on the 2D live and numerical value screen.

Via Gold metal detector, gold detailed bay detector, super price and designed with 2 different technologies, offers you the opportunity to use it in 2 different systems.

In the 2D live graphical search mode, which is the Via Gold Slow search mode with gold discrimination, the treasure detector can find buried treasures and treasures in the rock as gold and metal with guarantee.

Via Gold detector offers the opportunity to work with high performance in single coins and small pieces, thanks to its fast search feature while searching for gold and treasures.

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Gold search detector device Via Gold, apart from its price and ease of use, can focus center in quick search thanks to its POINT feature.

Bay search detector Via Gold offers the opportunity to search for non-precious metals by turning off the ZB FILTER option while searching in numerical values ​​thanks to its fast search feature.

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Gold search detector Via Gold; By increasing the numerical values ​​from the HOTROCK option in the digital fast search mode, it provides a healthy search opportunity in areas with baked tiles and mineral soils.

Apart from its price and features, Via Gold detector offers the opportunity to increase the depth by 30% to find deeper treasures and gold pieces, thanks to its TURBO depth feature.

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Via Gold gold treasure detector offers a guaranteed search option by covering the worthless metals at a high rate by introducing ferrous metals from the IRON RECORD option in the fast search mode.

Via Gold detector with gold discrimination offers the opportunity to increase the depth from the SENSITIVITY level in order to find gold objects and sculptures more deeply in archaeological sites.

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While searching for deep treasures with the Via Gold treasure detector, it provides the opportunity to adjust the THRESHOLD volume by changing it in fast search mode. Apart from its ergonomic and lightweight design, long rechargeable battery life, the Via Gold metal detector also adjusts the SOUND and LIGHT settings on its color screen according to the conditions.

Via Gold visual detector weighs 1.850 grams, has an ergonomic 3-piece handle and body structure, 26×32 diameter 14 kHz factory coil and 36×41 diameter 7 kHz deep search coil, headphones, charger, double-compartment bag with special casing, It is sold as a full set, with 2 years free, 8 years parts warranty and an invoice registered in your name, to all countries of the world in 7 foreign languages ​​other than Turkish.

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You can also purchase the DUPLE 7 kHz head with a diameter of 60×60, which is designed to be compatible with the Via Gold and A6 Plus detectors, as an OPTIONAL option to find treasures up to 3 meters deep, and the 20 kHz head with a diameter of 26×32 to find single coins and small gold pieces.

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