Years        1939-1940
Value        250 Lei
Currency   First leu (1867-1947)
Composition Silver (.835)
Weight      12 g
Diameter  30 mm
Shape       Round
Technique Milled
Demonetized Yes
References KM# 57
30 mm diameter, 12 g, silver 83.5%,copper 16.5%, flat edge, denomination "250 LEI".
Romanian coat of arms and year 1939, wreath made from grapevine with leaves and clusters and wheat ears. On the edge: + MUNCA + CREDINTA + REGE + NATIUNE meaning WORK FAITH KING NATION
Inscription "CAROL II REGELE ROMANILOR" meaning "KING OF THE ROMANIANS", CAROL II head facing right. Under the neck lies H. IONESCU, the engraver's name.