In the world of Feng Shui, understanding the importance of safeguarding our wealth and assets, especially during turbulent economic times, or when cosmic energies undergo significant shifts, such as the transition from Period 8 to Period 9. This transition emphasizes the need to protect and preserve what we have accumulated.

Introducing the Wealth Lock Coin, a powerful symbol imbued with the protective energy of the Dakini Amulet. This talisman represent a shield for your wealth and assets from negative influences. On one side, you'll find the auspicious Chinese calligraphy "Ji Yu Pui Jin" (symbolizing the accumulation of jade and gold), and on the other side, "Jin Yi Liang" (representing an ounce of gold).

Wear the Wealth Lock Coin Amulet Keychains with your keys, wallet, bag, purse or pocket and let it serve as a vigilant symbol of safety and growth of financial resources during any energetic or economic fluctuations.

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