Elaborately crafted unique piece that was made entirely by hand. The little one is from Hungary. The body is made of stuffed cotton. The fingers of each hand have been visibly sewn up. The pretty face is expertly crafted and has been finely hand-painted.

Her pretty headdress is adorned with colorful handmade pompoms. The blouse is made of printed cotton with puff sleeves and white lace. The red wide pleated skirt is made of cotton and was decorated with real handcrafted bobbin lace and various colorful braids. 

Her black apron features hand-embroidered edelweiss and red aster flowers in Matyo style, as well as red rickrack and long black fringes.
She is wearing light-colored cotton underwear, a cotton petticoat and black boots sewn into the fabric.

The doll has not been played with and has an age-appropriate patina.

Length 14.5 in

This is a one of a kind piece and is truly a beautiful work of art. Please checkout my other listings for more great treasures!
