10-50 Grade B Bourbon Vanilla pods 

• Vanillin content 2.1%

• Average length 6.5 -8 Inches / 16-19 centimetres

• 28-33% moisture content

• Pod's average weight 2.8 grams

• Vacuum packed

• Vegan Vegetarian

Indulge your senses with the exquisite aroma and rich flavour of our Grade B Bourbon Vanilla Beans from Sri Lanka, proudly presented by the Ceylon Vanilla Company. Renowned for our commitment to quality and authenticity, we bring you the finest vanilla beans that are sure to elevate your culinary creations to new heights.

Product Highlights:

Origin: Sourced directly from the lush landscapes of Sri Lanka, our Bourbon Vanilla Beans are cultivated with care in the heart of the Indian Ocean. The tropical climate and fertile soil contribute to their exceptional flavour profile.

Grade B Quality: Our vanilla beans are hand-selected and meticulously inspected to ensure only the best Grade A beans make their way to your kitchen. These beans are plump, oily, and filled with thousands of flavourful seeds.

Aromatic Fragrance: Experience the heady aroma that only authentic Bourbon Vanilla can provide. Your kitchen will be filled with the enchanting scent of natural vanilla, enhancing the ambiance and anticipation of your culinary creations.

Smooth and Rich Flavor: Ceylon Vanilla Company's Grade A Bourbon Vanilla Beans offer a smooth and indulgent flavour profile. With sweet, creamy, and slightly woody undertones, they are perfect for both sweet and savory dishes.

Versatile Culinary Ingredient: Elevate your baking, cooking, and beverage-making with the genuine taste of Bourbon Vanilla. These beans are perfect for infusing into creams, custards, syrups, chocolates, and more.

Sealed for Freshness: Each vanilla bean is carefully vacuum-sealed to preserve its freshness, ensuring that you receive the beans in their prime condition, ready to impart their incredible flavour to your creations.


You will receive Grade A Bourbon Vanilla Beans, each measuring approximately 6-7 inches.. These beans have been grown, harvested, and cured with utmost attention to detail, guaranteeing an exceptional culinary experience.

Recipes and Usage:

Explore the world of culinary artistry with our Grade B Bourbon Vanilla Beans. Use them in a variety of dishes, from classic desserts like crème brûlée and ice cream to savory dishes like vanilla-infused sauces for seafood and meats.

Your Purchase Matters:

By choosing Ceylon Vanilla Company's Grade B Bourbon Vanilla Beans, you support sustainable farming practices and the livelihoods of farmers in Sri Lanka. We are dedicated to ethical sourcing and delivering unmatched quality to our customers.

Experience the Pinnacle of Flavour:

Unlock the secret to gourmet cooking and baking with our Grade B Bourbon Vanilla Beans. Order now and let the enchanting flavour and aroma of Ceylon Vanilla Company's vanilla beans transform your culinary creations into works of art.

Note: Actual product packaging may differ from the images shown due to updates in our packaging design.