"The Moribund Portal: Spectral Resonance and the Numen of the Gallows" by Richard Gavin, published by Three Hands Press, explores the esoteric significance of the gallows throughout history, delving into its occult associations and symbolic power. Here's a detailed description.

1. **Author:**
   - Richard Gavin is the author responsible for weaving together threads of folklore, spiritism, and occult philosophy in "The Moribund Portal."

2. **Theme:**
   - The book centers around the gallows, not merely as a tool of execution but as a source of occult power. It explores the historical and esoteric associations of the gallows, connecting it to various magical and spiritual practices.

3. **Occult Symbolism:**
   - Gavin examines the occult symbolism and power associated with the gallows, drawing on examples such as the Hand of Glory and the mandrake root. These elements contribute to the book's exploration of ancient sorcery and the sinistral ambiance surrounding the Hanging Place.

4. **Liminal Spaces:**
   - The book explores the liminal space between the incarnate world and the realm of the Dead. It delves into the mystical aspects of this threshold, drawing parallels with historical figures like Odin and Christ who perceived the numinous in such spaces.

5. **Tapestry of Grim Vitality:**
   - Richard Gavin creates a tapestry of grim vitality by intertwining folklore, spiritism, and occult philosophy. The narrative is likely to offer a multi-dimensional perspective on the subject matter.

6. **Book Design:**
   - The book is presented in a deluxe hardcover format with an exclusive design. The interior design is by Joseph Uccello, and the cover features original artwork by Benjamin Vierling.

7. **Limited Edition:**
   - The deluxe edition is limited to 22 hand-numbered copies. These copies are distinguished by being bound in full purple Nigerian goat leather, featuring marbled endpapers, and presented in a slipcase. Limited editions of this nature are often highly sought after by collectors.

8. **Page Count:**
   - "The Moribund Portal" consists of 96 pages, suggesting a concise yet substantial exploration of its thematic content.

In summary, "The Moribund Portal" is an exploration of the occult significance of the gallows, blending historical references, folklore, and esoteric philosophy. The limited edition's exquisite design and attention to detail enhance its appeal as a collector's item for those interested in occult literature and symbolism.