Mucuna is a genus of around 100 accepted species of climbing vines and shrubs of the family Fabaceae, found worldwide in the woodlands of tropical areas. 
The leaves are tripalmate, alternate, or spiraled, and the flowers are pea-like but larger, with distinctive curved petals, and occurring inracemes. 
Like other legumes, Mucuna plants bear pods. They are generally bat-pollinated and produce seeds that are buoyant sea-beans. 
Mucuna Sempervirens is a strong and perennial vine that grows in the mountains of Southern Yunnan. 
The flowers are spectacular crimson and yellow, in bunches of 20 cm length and forming pods of 30 cm. 
In its natural habitat it climbs trees. 
When growing conditions are optimal, this climber can be extremely invasive. 
In colder climates it is grown as an annual. 
It makes large fruits and the seeds shoot a strong vine already in the first year. 
Seeds rarely seen for sale