A pretty Passiflora for both flowers and fruit! This easy to grow passion flower has ornate white-purple flowers followed by oval, dark purple fruits with neon orange pulp. Fast-growing vine, will flower profusely during warm months. Self-fertile.
Passiflora morifolia can grow over 4 meters high. It climbs by means of clinging tendrils and can be kept as an container plant. The long tendrils need lots of support for climbing. It may be grown as a houseplant in a sunny South-facing window. It flowers from May through November. The flowers are small, fragrant, white, blue and mauve, each an inch or so across and followed by large egg shaped purple fruit. It produces velvety, deep purple fruits but it isn't recommended to eat these. Large bold leaves, veined and smooth-textured. Pruning is a must to keep the vine healthy. Prune off less vigorous growth and occasionally prune back vigorous growth to promote flowering. When established, and without care, the passion fruit can easily overtake other garden plants, shading them from sun. Hardiness zone 9-10, (-5ºC/25°F, 1ºC/35°F) in Winter. This plant does require a dormant period taken in the Winter, and best to keep them dry at this time. In Spring new shoots will appear from the root. Slight frost will not harm it if kept fairly dry. Provide ideally a temperature of 15°- 28°C in Summer and 7°C through the Winter. Keep the atmosphere humid through the Summer and place in full sun, can tolerate partial shade. You may need to water your plants on a daily basis during the hottest Summer months. During the Winter the roots should be kept moist, but as growth will be much slower you will probably only need to water once a week, depending on growing temperature. It will do best in a loam based mix with a little peat moss. Fertilize at least once every two weeks in the growing season. If their pot is too large or if they have an unrestricted root run then the whole plant will simply get bigger and bigger but it will refuse to flower and therefore produce the fruits. By limiting the pot size you are limiting the ability to grow and this is seen as a threat, so the natural mechanism is to produce seed for the next generation. A suitably sized pot for an adult plant would generally be of 12 inches in diameter. It is a vigorous and stout climber, easily raised from seed with delightful, little, greenish-yellow or white and mauve flowers, each an inch or so across. These are produced throughout the year if a winter temperature of 12°C (but the plant will survive at a much lower temperature) can be maintained, and can be present on the vine at the same time as the deep purple, unfortunately inedible, fruits.