Francis and Day's Music Hall Scrap Book - A Selection of Famous Variety Songs - With Words /Music / Tonic Sol Fa/  Ukulele Arrangement

Great score for an Old Time Musical hall performance 

There are Nice Girls Everywhere - I've got Rings on my Fingers - Roamin' in the Gloamin' - Hold Your Hand Out Naughty Boy - Here we are! Here we are!! Here we are Again!!! - The Army of To-Day's All Right - Sister Susie's Sewing Shirts for Soldiers - Gilbert the Filbert - Sunshine of your Smile - Pack up your Troubles - Every Little While - A Bachelor Gay - Good Bye-EE! - Love Sends a Little Gift of Roses - Coal Black Mammy - I Lift up my Finger and Say "Tweet Tweet" - Round the Marble Arch - Sing as we Go - Soldiers of the King

Age and handling wear and tear

ref: marbox