In the mid-90s, the X-Men animated series, produced by Fox, had managed to make these superheroes and anti-heroes notable, with their colorful costumes and extravagant adventures. These characters in those years presented their best lineup of warriors and mutants, among which the good Cyclops, Jean Grey, Wolverine, Storm, Rogue, Beast, Gambit and many others stand out, led by the powerful professor Charles Xavier. Although in the Latin dubbing they had very curious names that those of us who grew up in that decade remember fondly.

One of the remembered promotions from 1995, alluding to the animated series, was that of X-Men figurines, appearing in a palette related to the franchise. Crem Helado launched this promotion with a very common number in the collections of that time, with a total of 24 characters, in translucent rubber in basic colors such as yellow, blue and red. The pieces are very thin, so they were given a base to support them. In addition, some stickers with the character logos were included. Important villains like Magneto, Mystique, and Apocalypse do not appear in this gallery.

The molds of these figures are very similar to those used in the Peruvian promotion pieces, but in solid colors and a slightly more rigid material.