Silver Numismatic Bullion Church of the Holy Sepulchre 4th in the "Holy Land Sites" Series



Silver Numismatic Bullion Church of the Holy Sepulchre 4th in the “Holy Land Sites” Series

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre (also known as the Church of the Resurrection) is recognized in most Christian traditions as the place of the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ. The church is considered one of the most important and sacred churches for Christians.

The church is located in the Christian quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem at the end of the Via Dolorosa (Way of Suffering).
Within the walls of the church is a site known as the Golgotha Hill. According to tradition, this is the place where the crucifixion of Jesus took place, “and it was when they came to the place called Golgotha, and they crucified him there.” (Luke 23:33)
About three hundred years after the death of Jesus, Helena, the mother of the Roman emperor Constantine, consecrated the location and ordered the construction of a church to mark the holy site. This holy site is the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
The church building today is based on the renovation from the Crusader period and includes the last five stations among the “Via Dolorosa”, as well as sites such as the Messiah Stone and the Cave of the Cross of the Cross.
In Latin, the courtyard entrance of the church is called ‘Pervis’, and both the courtyard and the surrounding monasteries are an integral part of the church which belong to the three major denominations: the Latinos, the Armenians and the Greeks.
The church has a two-door gate, a design that is reflective of the Golden Gate through which Jesus entered Jerusalem. The door on the right-side of this gate was sealed at the end of the 12th century.
In May 2009, the church hosted Pope Benedict and after a ceremony and tour of the grounds, The Pope held a private prayer in the chapel of the Golgotha.

Face: The main entrance to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, with the right entrance sealed. To the right is the Chapel of the Franks and to the left is the Aedicule (Place of the Tomb)
Common Reverse of the Series: Collage of different sites in Jerusalem – In the background to the right, the Holy Trinity Church in the Russian Compound, to the left, the YMCA building, in the foreground to the right, the Garden Tomb and to the left, Jesus praying at Gethsemane, front left, part of the “Agony in the Garden” painting by Andrea Montegna.
The Holy Land Mint trademark, Inscription “Holy Land Sites” in English and Hebrew.

Design: Ruben Nutels

Minting : The Holy Land Mint




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Israel Coins and Medals Corp. (ICMC) was established in 1958 by Israel's first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. Its purpose was then, and still is, to commemorate the national and historic events of the State of Israel and its outstanding personalities, and the milestones in our culture, art and people. ICMC was designated an ambassador for the distribution of the legal tender commemorative coins issued by the Bank of Israel and the Israel State Medals, as well as for the promotion of Israeli artistry and Judaica.

ICMC was fully owned by the Israel Government until 2008, when it was privatized and bought by the G.R.A.S. Group. In the privatization agreement, ICMC pledged to the Government that it would maintain the company's traditional character and scope of activity. Today, ICMC operates in a wide range of activities, with special emphasis on production and global promotion of gold and silver for investment under The Holy Land Mint trademark.

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What began as a legendary Government Corporation has become the leading global Israeli company in world numismatics and precious metal investments. Renowned for over 60 years of integrity and trustworthiness, ICMC employs a staff of about 200 and serves tens of thousands of customers globally with professionalism and dedication. Ever since its inception, ICMC has maintained its unique character and values, as Prime Minister David Ben Gurion had envisioned. ICMC products commemorate Israel's unique history and serve as ambassadors to the world, as they diffuse the story of Israel and the Jewish people.

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