Don Grosh Electra Jet 1 Electric Guitar


2010 Don Grosh (Grosh Guitars) Electra Jet
The PU mounts Grosh's original model P-90 type, its name is G-90.
Not only does it have the crispness inherited from the P-90, but it also has a relatively
Furthermore, the light and crisp sound output makes this a unit that can be used in all genres.
There are scratches and scratches, but
Player's condition adjusted for performance.
Weight approx. 3.5kg Hard case with spec sheet
PICKUPS:Grosh G-90

It has been maintained by our store's dedicated repairman.

Frets remaining: Approximately 80-90%
Neck condition: almost straight
Truss rod: plenty of room

Model number
Electra Jet

Inca Silver

Hard case spec sheet

Although there is a feeling of use,there is no problem in operation.
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