For your consideration is a gorgeous as well as functional tachyon energy generator pendant. If you don't know the uses of these products, please read on... It harmonizes and balances the environment and is pure energy! Some uses are: promotes natural healing, slows aging process, relieves stress, protects against EMF's and ELF's, facilitates focus and concentration, promotes a healthy metabolism, energizes and protects body workers...just to name a few....

This pendant measures 1 5/8 x 3/8". It contains a beautiful ammonite, Malachite, selenite, brass, copper, and a copper coil. 

Malachite is an important protective stone particularly if you are affected by people who leech your energy. It increases personal power and self confidence, while enabling you to follow your heart. It acts as a shield against electromagnetic disturbances,, and supports the blood and healthy circulation, as well as resistance to disease. Ammonites are protective! 

This pendant is made with love and reiki charged also! It will come on a black cord.

Disclaimer: I make no medical claims about my products. If you have a medical condition please consult a physician.