Purina One True Instinct Tender Cut in Gravy Wet Dog Food Beef Salmon, Give your canine companion something delicious and nourishing to sink his teeth into with Purina ONE Natural True Instinct Tender Cuts in Gravy With Real Beef and Wild-Caught Salmon adult wet dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Every serving in these dog food cans features real beef and wild-caught salmon, plus natural ingredients for expertly crafted nourishment and taste. This soft dog food contains no poultry by-products and 0 percent fillers, which means every high-quality ingredient has a purpose. The tender, meaty cuts deliver a tempting texture to enrich his dining experience, while the savory dog food gravy offers the perfect finishing touch.

Purina One True Instinct Tender Cut in Gravy Wet Dog Food Beef Salmon, 13 oz Cans (12 Pack)

  • Purina dog food formula with added vitamins for dogs plus minerals and nutrients is made with real beef and wild-caught salmon
  • No artificial flavors or preservatives and no poultry by-products in this Purina high protein canned dog food
  • 100 percent nutrition for adult dogs. 0 percent fillers. Every ingredient in this wet dog food gravy recipe has a purpose
  • Purina ONE is veterinarian recommended, and the savory dog food gravy adds an appealing finishing touch
  • High protein in this dog wet food helps support strong muscles, and antioxidants help support the immune system