Red Korean Ginseng ingredient and effects
Ginsenoside is the main ingredient of ginseng.In addition, there are organic acids and esters, polypeptides and arginine, lysine, glycine, threonine, serine, glutamic acid, aspartic acid and other 17 kinds of amino acids.Vitamins are: vitamin (Vitamine)B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B12
The specific physiological active substances of Red Ginseng, such as G-Rh2, Panaxytriol, Maltol, etc.G-Rh2 and Panaxytriol have the effect of inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, and both Maltol have the effect of anti-oxidation.The dried red ginseng is ruddy in color and fragrant in smell.Compared with white ginseng, red ginseng has compact, firm and good storage.Red ginseng has the functions of tonifying qi, nourishing Yin, enriching blood, Shengjin, strengthening heart, stomach and sedation.There is no strict difference between red and white ginseng in these functions, but it is generally believed that red ginseng is stronger than white ginseng in replenishing deficiency.Taking red ginseng for a long time can improve human immunity, resist fatigue, resist radiation, aim at tumor and adjust human endocrine system.Red ginseng is suitable for the elderly and those who have been sick for a long time. Red ginseng has the characteristics of big fire, strong strength and strong efficacy. It is the first choice of tonic for those who have Yin Sheng Yang deficiency.

How to eat:
1. Make tea.
Take two or three red ginseng slices at a time, put them into a cup, make them with boiling water, cover the cup, soak them for about 5 minutes.
2. Soak wine.
Put the whole red ginseng into the white wine, seal and soak. Note, to choose a high degree liquor, with 50-60 degrees as the best.
3. Steaming and stewing.
Cut red ginseng into thin slices, put them into a porcelain bowl or a professional stewing cup, add an appropriate amount of water, cover the mouth of the bowl, steam and simmer for about 40 minutes, then you can take it.
4. Inclusion.
Sliced ginseng directly placed under the tongue and swallowed can be invigorating, but red ginseng has a slightly bitter taste.