Garden Flowers 1100 Mix Colors Foxglove Seeds Digitalis purpurea 4 Feet Tall

Sow Foxglove Seeds
The best time to sow foxglove seeds is late summer right after the seedpods mature, but if you miss the summer planting you can plant the seeds in fall or spring. Harvest seeds as soon as the pods turn uniformly brown and start to split open. The simplest way to harvest foxglove seeds is by holding an envelope or a fine-mesh bag under the pods and gently shaking the seeds out. Foxgloves self-seed readily, so any unharvested seeds are likely to germinate and grow the following season.

Soil Preparation
Before planting foxglove seeds, get the garden ready by turning over the soil and adding compost. Compost improves the soil texture and drainage while adding nutrients to the garden bed. Add a 2- to 4-inch-deep layer of compost over the soil and dig it into the top 12 to 15 inches of the garden bed, mixing and blending it thoroughly. Amending the soil is most important in clay soil conditions, but even in sandy and loamy soil, adding compost improves the growing environment.

Direct Sowing
Foxglove seeds need light to germinate. The best way to plant foxglove seeds is by surface sowing them, which means simply scattering the seeds on top of the soil. Aim for a spacing of about 1 inch between seeds. Pricking out foxglove seedlings is done once the plants are established. Thin them to a spacing of 12 to 24 inches between plants to prevent overcrowding. Gently rake the seeds into the soil but avoid burying them or they will fail to germinate. After planting, give the area a good soaking to dampen the soil 1 to 2 inches deep. Foxglove seeds take 20 to 30 days to germinate.

Starting Seeds Indoors
You can start foxglove seeds in pots or seed flats indoors or in a greenhouse in late fall, winter or early spring. When selecting pots and seed flats, look for ones that have drainage holes in the bottom and use seed starting compost or a soilless seed starting mix rather than garden soil. Surface sow the seeds by placing them on top of the soil about 1 inch apart. Growing foxgloves in pots requires that the seeds germinate in bright, indirect light at 60 to 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Foxglove Warnings
Foxgloves are poisonous. Avoid ingesting any part of the plant, including the seeds, leaves and flowers. One benefit of this plant's poisonous nature is that deer avoid it when they are stripping a garden of tasty edible blossoms. Foxglove is also invasive in some areas because it self-seeds readily. To help prevent spreading, cut the flowers before new seeds develop.
