*These seeds have been stored in an unheated garage for 90 days. 

They should be ready to be planted without further stratification.

Good luck and

Thank You!!


Hello, and welcome to Gramaseeds! We've been on eBay for decades buying and selling under various store names. I've had many passions in my life, but gardening is the #1. I love everything, well, except weeding, about it. We deal heavily with white tail deer in  our area. I've counted more than 20 in our front yard in the winter. I used to have an amazing, amazing front yard filled with zinnia. Three years ago, they nibbled, the next year they ate almost all of them! I stopped planting elegans in front. It was heartbreaking. Then I realized that I just had to change the botanicals I planted there. I list in large capital letters in each description if the plants and flowers are deer resistant or not and edible or not. We do consume many of these plants and my experiences with them will also be listed. In some areas near us, they leave zinnia alone, here they don't except for most  haaegiania, peruviana, and angustifolia which saved the day.
I don't want to make this too long, but I've noticed a massive decrease in every type of pollinator that has visited our gardens over the past 15 years. Last year was astonishingly sad. This is why I'm offering a pretty good amount of seeds for a decent price. When planting, place more than a few in each spot. I want you to be successful. I'm offering native and non native flowering plants. I know there is an effort to not use non natives, but as long as you control them, they can be a great benefit for food, medicinal, and pollinators. We always add .1 grams to your order to adjust for any chaff.  Any questions just message me.
Thanks for looking!
Tim Clancy

ere we are offering a 2 grams (approximately 400+ seeds) amount of Great Angelica (Angelica Atropurpurea) seeds harvested from our organic garden this past fall of 2023. These are a perennial plant native to the Eastern United States. They grow up to 6' tall and have attract bees, wasps, and butterflies.  We've had it growing in our garden for many years now. Our Angelica seems to attract all the tiny pollinators, the little parasitic wasps, hover flies and such. Here, ours flowers early summer and goes to seed in August. We do cut the seed heads of to control spreading. It will grow very tall the first year and flower the second and following years.  The flowers are huge, I can say they are more stunning than attractive being green and white in great 10"-12" umbels. Each plant produces 1000's of seeds but is easily controllable. Ours has never needed thinning. It is in our native garden. 

DEER RESISTANT! Ours is in an protected area, but in the wild locally, they are left alone

 EDIBLE in small doses. I've added angelica leaves to smoothies and eaten the green seeds, not excessively, without any problem. It is December 19th and there are still green leaves on ours I have harvested today. Do your research.

The seeds do need to be stratified for at least 14 days in the fridge or in ground.  Plant now or early spring(where cold enough) and germination takes only about 30 days after it warms up enough. 

US shipping is free