Tarot Cars is a unique 78-card

deck that blends divination, car history, fun facts, and movie nostalgia seamlessly.

Each car is strategically placed to accurately represent its position in the

tarot. To make this deck even more enjoyable, I have even paired several of the

major arcana cards with beloved movies adding an exciting twist to the

traditional tarot symbolism.

  In the minors, all of the aces are the first

of their kind (first car, truck, van, and SUV). The numbered minor cards

represent a decade. All the twos showcase cars from the 20s, the threes are

from the 30s, and so on, with their backgrounds representing the element of

each suit.  

  I have designed Tarot Cars to be suitable for

beginners, professionals, and everyone in between. On each card, there are two

keywords. One for the upright meaning and one for the reversed, providing clear

and concise interpretations of their meanings. 

This feature makes Tarot Cars an excellent tool for learning and

mastering the art of tarot reading while also serving as a great reference for

seasoned practitioners.

Whether you're a car aficionado looking for a fresh take on

tarot, a tarot enthusiast seeking a unique and engaging deck, or simply someone

intrigued by the blend of car history and divination, Tarot Cars is a

one-of-a-kind deck that promises to captivate, educate, and inspire. Get ready

to embark on a thrilling journey through the tarot realm,