1924 Footed Plaque of Capt. John Ericsson, Designer of the Civil War Ironclad USS Monitor. Bronze.

4" x 3" x 1/8" (74 mm x 101 mm) bronze hump-back/domed bronze plaque commemorating the 121st birthday of Capt John Ericsson designer of the USS Monitor and a renowned engineer of the period. 

Weight: 9.8 ounces

INSCRIPTION: (obverse) C. S. Bushnell, Capt. John Ericsson, J.F. Winslow, J.A. Griswold, CAPTAIN JOHN ERICSSON, resided here at 95 Franklin Street 1844-1864, He designed in 1861, the first iron clad turreted battleship, MONITOR, The contract was obtained from the government by Cornelius S. Bushnell of New Haven, Conn., who, with John F. Winslow and John A. Griswold of Troy, N.Y., financed its construction. It was built in 100 working days. On March 9th 1862 the MONITOR under John L. Worden, Commander, Alban C. Stimers, Chief Engineer, arrived at Hampton Roads, Va., after a severe engagement ended the career of the MERRIMAC, which on the preceding day had sunk the U.S.S. CUMBERLAND and CONGRESS. The tide of the war turned, and the design of the MONITOR revolutionized the Navies of the world. American Scenic and Historic Preservation Society Custodian - Anton Schaaf S.C. 1924; (reverse) Bronze tablet unveiled on July 31st 1924 the 121st anniversary of the birthday of CAPT. JOHN ERICSSON under the auspices of The National Museum of Engineering and Industry associated with the Smithsonian Institution Washington, D.C., Compliments of GREAT AMERICAN Insurance Company NEW YORK

Produced by the American Scenic and Historic Preservation Soc, this small plaque was given out as an advertising premium by the Great American Insurance Co of New York.

The artist Anton Schaaf was born on February 22, 1869 in Milwuakee, Wisconsin, United States. Son of Karl and Florentina (Bee) Schaaf.  Studied art at Cooper Union, New York, under Shirlaw, Cox and Beckwith, at Charcoal Club under Saint Gaudens and Dewing and at National Academy Design under Ward.  
Principal works: Shaw memorial, Woodlawn Cemetery, New New York Statue of General Ord, Vicksburg National Military Park, also a number of busts and reliefs in same park. Meredith portrait tablet, at Tomkins Avenue Church, Brooklyn.
War memorial, Central Congressional Church, Brooklyn.
Prudential Insurance Company war memorial, Newark, New Jersey, 
Ridgewood war memorial, and 14th Infantry soldiers monument, Brooklyn. 
Benjamin Franklin statue, Sesquicentennial Exposition, Philadelphia.
Haym Salomon monument, New York City, soldier called Armistice”. 
War Memorial, Glendale, Brooklyn, New New York
Relief, J. Temple Gwathmey, New York Cotton Exchange.
Relief, J. Waldo Smith, Ashokan Dam, 
New New York Captain Ericsson & Monitor Relief, New York City. 
Portrait William H. Todd, New York City.
Parks South. Cadman memorial, Central Congressional Church, Brooklyn, New New York