This is a mail-in service!  1) Buy this listing 2) ship me your motor 3) I will ship it back once it's ready!

**Feel free to message me pictures of your machine and any concerns you have with your motor before purchasing this listing.  Once purchased I will give you my address for shipping**

I've re-wired countless Singer sewing machine motors to ensure they're safe and working their best.  I'd like to extend my reach to those who don't live locally by offering a mail-in service.  Ship your motor to me and I'll ship it back completely cleaned, re-greased with new wicks/bobbin tire and ready for years and years of loyal service!

To see my website with different sewing machine restorations I've done, go to

I offer services on most common old-black Singer machines both belt-driven motors (66-16, 221, 99, etc) as well as gear-driven motors (15-91, 201-2).  

For belt-driven motors: (includes return shipping for USA orders - International costs extra)
-The motor housing is cleaned inside and outside.
-Carbon brushes inspected and cleaned
-Motor armature cleaned
-Rubber grommet on housing replaced
-Motor housing shined on exterior

For potted/gear-driven motors: (includes return shipping for USA orders- International costs extra)
-Old grease removed from worm gear and pots
-The motor housing is cleaned inside and outside
-Carbon brushes inspected and cleaned
-Motor armature cleaned
-Rubber grommet on housing replaced
-New felt wicks replaced
-New grease added to pots and worm gear area using sew-retro grease (specially formulated for vintage and antique machines)
-Motor housing shined on exterior
-Bobbin tire replaced

I will happily send you pictures of the insides of your motor as I work on it so you can be rest assured you are getting what you pay for!