This is a handy pocket-sized carry-along feng shui amulet talisman card to fit perfectly into your wallet or purse. This feng shui amulet card with Abundance Wu Lou has been decorated with the magical implements of the 8 Immortals to symbolize 8 kinds of goodness entering your life.

Inscribed upon its form, the sword emanates the essence of unwavering strength; the lotus is a manifestation of virtuous aspirations; the flute's melodious notes resonate with harmonious threads woven through life's tapestry; the flower basket blooms with the allure of captivating beauty; the fan unfurls its protective wings against adversities; castanets echo with the vigorous rhythm of vital empowerment; the elongated bamboo "fish drum" reverberates with the cadence of enduring vitality; and the Wu Lou, an age-old vessel, overflows with the elixir of robust well-being.

The Wu Lou is the great Feng Shui symbol of good health and long life. A powerful tool in Taoism, it is considered a receptacle of the holy nectar of many Buddhist and Taoist deities. One popular example is the God of Longevity, who carries it on a magical staff. This bottle gourd is said to contain the elixir of immortality and symbolizes longevity too.