150 Tablets, 1 Bottle

Pure And Potent Ingredients
Dietary Supplement

GMP Certified And Made In USA

Fat Burner
Brain Health
Workout Recovery
Mood Enhanced
Reduce Fatigue
Increase Endurance
Muscle Growth 

AMINO ACIDS 2200: What are amino acids you ask? Well, twenty percent of the human body is made up of protein. Protein plays a crucial role in almost all biological processes and amino acids are the building blocks of it. A large proportion of our cells, muscles and tissue is made up of amino acids, meaning they carry out many important bodily functions, such as giving cells their structure. They also play a key role in the transport and the storage of nutrients.

MUSCLE GROWTH BOOST: By middle age, you rapidly lose muscle mass, even if you exercise. You can counter some of this loss by taking branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs). The primary reason that people turn to amino acid supplements, though, has to do with muscle growth. Leucine, in particular, has been shown to regulate and improve muscle protein synthesis after exercise. Stimulated by the stress of your workout and encouraged by the jolt of leucine, then, your muscles will have everything they need to grow and be better prepared for your next workout.

INCREASE YOUR ENDURANCE: Amino acid supplements change the way your body uses your primary fuel sources  carbs and fat. For many athletes, especially those who depend on short bursts of power like sprints, glycogen depletion is a major problem, leading to exhaustion and a sharp drop in performance. A 2011 study put 7 male volunteers through a workout that supported so well that these subjects saw a 17.2 percent increase in the time it took for them to hit the wall.

REDUCE YOUR FATIGUE LEVELS: As you perform physical activities or simply go about your day, you expend energy, which your body needs to replenish. When our body depletes our glycogen stores, it becomes exhausted, leading to that craving for an afternoon nap. A boost in BCAAs and other amino acids throughout the day helps your body store glycogen more effectively and use it at a slower rate, meaning that you have more endurance for your day, whether you are exercising or not!

ENHANCE YOUR MOOD: Often times, mood swings result from too much stress and not enough recovery time. This happens most often when we perform demanding work, and process streams of information, without allocating proper time for rest or sleep. Amino acids may help to provide some balance to a brain that is often out of sync. The result? Feelings of sedation and well-being.

IMPROVE RECOVERY FROM WORKOUT: This ability to increase muscle protein synthesis and guard your muscles  means that you can recover from your workouts faster, getting back to your routine with less downtime. And remember, it’s during these periods of rest that your fitness improves. Ensuring that your recovery is complete, then, is vital to making progress.

IMPROVE BRAIN FUNCTION: Amino acids – and thereby proteins – are critical to healthy brain function. Arginine, histidine, tyrosine, and tryptophan are synthesized by the brain to balance various neurotransmitters. Maintaining healthy balances of these chemicals helps promote normalized cognitive abilities, particularly during periods of environmental and psychological distress.

AMAZING FAT BURNER: Research has closely linked amino acid supplementation not only with fat loss but a reduction in abdominal fat deposition and storage. So, how do you think BCAAs support the glycogen of those athletes? By burning fat instead. For those trying to lose some body fat, or athletes training on a low-carb diet, then, BCAAs will help your body make the switch to depending on fat for fuel.

SUGGESTED USE: 1 tablet taken 1 to 3 times daily preferably with  meals  or  as directed by a health care professional.

Supplement Facts:

Serving Size: 1 Tablet 
Servings Per Container: 150 

Amount Per Serving

Calories 5 
Calories from Fat 0 
Total Fat 0 g 
Cholesterol 0 mg 
Sodium 10 mg 
Total Carbohydrate 
Protein 2 g 
Calcium 12 mg 
Phosphorous 14 mg

Typical - Amino - Acid Profile
Alanine 3.3% Lysine 
Arginine 5.8% Methionine 
AsparticAcid 9.4% Phenylalanine 
Cystine 0.8% Proline 
GlutamicAcid 21.0% Serine 
Glycine 2.6% Threonine 
Histidine 2.8% Tryptophan 
Isoleucine 4.6% Tyrosine 

INGREDIENTS:  Calcium  caseinate, soy protein isolate,calcium carbonate,vegetable stearicacid,   croscarmellose     sodium,      methyl     cellulose,   hydroxypropyl     methyl     cellulose,   vegetable magnesium  stearate, whey  powder,and silicon dioxide.

Do not  exceed  recommended  dose. Pregnant or nursing  mothers,  children   under  the  age of18,  and  individuals with a known medical condition should  consult  a  physician before using  this  or  any  dietary supplement.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.*