EWM with SAP S/4HANA: Architecture and Programming von Peter Zoellner

Art Nr.: 1493223992
ISBN 13: 9781493223992
SubTitle: Architecture and Programming
ReleaseYear: 2023
Published by: Rheinwerk Verlag Gmbh
Edition: Buch
Cover: Buch
Cover Format: 262x184x34 mm
Pages: 493
Weight: 1200 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Peter Zoellner
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Your warehouse is unique, so your system must be too! Explore your options for extending and customizing both embedded and decentralized EWM in SAP S/4HANA. Use function modules, BAdIs, and custom code to alter the UI, automate processes, change standard procedures, and more. With detailed examples and sample code, you can ensure that your warehouse management solution suits your business precisely!

Highlights include:

1) Delivery processing
2) Inventory management
3) Quality management
4) Warehouse monitor
5) Easy graphics framework
6) Radio frequency framework
7) Post processing framework
8) Key-use extensibility
9) Work center
10) Function modules
11) BAdIs
12) Migration

Information of Author
Peter Zollner has 15 years of experience in logistics for SAP Consulting, including five years as a solution architect for SAP EWM. He has worked on complete implementations of SAP EWM projects across Europe.Robert Halm is an SAP EWM consultant at Prismat, which specializes in logistics consulting.Daniela Schapler is a solution architect at SAP SE and was one of the co-developers of the SAP EWM architecture.Karen Schulze is an EWM consultant with an SAP subsidiary.
Information of Author:
Peter Zollner has 15 years of experience in logistics for SAP Consulting, including five years as a solution architect for SAP EWM. He has worked on complete implementations of SAP EWM projects across Europe.Robert Halm is an SAP EWM consultant at Prismat, which specializes in logistics consulting.Daniela Schapler is a solution architect at SAP SE and was one of the co-developers of the SAP EWM architecture.Karen Schulze is an EWM consultant with an SAP subsidiary.