St. Martin’s Eve


This antique horror novel

Is a hoot! Its binding is strong and has lasted over 100 years.

Please look at the photos.

The creepy plot:

• Why do the children spontaneously combust around the new nanny? (no joke! this is the plot of the book!)

• And Gee Whiz, that new nanny sure does have an odd smile and a creepy laugh.

• What is the secret history that lurks behind the new Nanny’s crazy eyes?

• And why is her mother so concerned? what does SHE know????

All this and a whole lot more are in the pages of the once best-selling mysterious novel, St. Martin’s Eve!

Mrs Henry Wood was one of the most prolific and best-selling popular writers of the late Victorian era. Her novels of supernatural suspense and mystery outsold Charles Dickens. Her ability to blend the supernatural with Victorian morality made her a household name, and her novel, EAST LYNNE became the #1 selling novel of the entire century!

I love reading her books- she takes you away to verdant farms and bustling towns- and creepy maids whispering secrets behind the old outhouse. She’s a total blast!