DC Heroclix No Man's Land R100 Utility Belt & 9 Objects including Batman Cowl, Rebreather, Handcuffs, Flash Grenade, Grapnel Gun, Sonic Transmitter, Gas Pellets/Smoke Grenade, Batarangs & Radar Monitor

We do combine shipping as follows: Every item has a base shipping fee based on the size of the item.  For multiple items, we charge the base shipping fee plus $1.00 for each additional item but this maxes out at 5 additional items, regardless of how many items you purchase. That means there is no additional shipping charges incurred after six items are purchased regardless of size and/or quantity.


Please send an invoice request to us for orders of more than six items so that we can insure you receive your shipping discount. Six or less items will automatically receive a shipping discount upon payment. 

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