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Author John G. Hall has lectured on the end-times for more than 50 years in churches of many different denominations. This chart is printed in full color and spans from the creation to the New Heaven and New Earth. Includes references to these and many other Biblical and prophetic events: Satan Dethroned, God in the Eternal Past, Earth's Water Baptism, Present Earth, Re-Creation to the Fall, Fall to the Flood, Flood to the Call of Abraham, Call of Abraham to Moses, Moses to Christ, Church Age, Times of the Gentiles, Rapture, Seven-Year Tribulation, Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Vials, Second Coming, Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Great White Throne Judgment, Gog and Magog, Renovation of the Earth, New Heaven and New Earth. Every event on the chart has a Bible reference. Chart measures 4 feet long by 10 1/2 inches tall. This chart is also available in a larger 8-foot version for group study (See Separate Listing).