Experimenters set of crystal radio diodes includes New Old Stock germanium diodes:

3 pcs of AA118 (Telefunken)
3 pcs of AA134 (Telefunken)
3 pcs of 1N277 (JCER- presumed New Jersey Semiconductor?)

Note the photos show a larger quantity of diodes - you are getting only the diodes listed above. 

Thank you for looking
As a bonus - for free - I will additionally include 5 pcs of randomly selected (likely unmarked) New Old Stock diodes - for sure these are the big brand names OEM New Old Stock diodes. Note you are getting these for free - therefore no guarantee is given regarding their suitability for crystal radio. However, I will make sure to include 1 piece of OEM New Old Stock germanium diode suited for crystal radio projects into this mix. Note it may be unidentifiable - e.g. some color bands but no imprinted part number. Part of the game is to identify which one is good for crystal radio, and if you like it, use it in your projects/ experiments. 

If you buy multiple sets diodes, I will make sure that the bonus diode included with each set, is a different type diode in each set, e.g. if you purchase 4 sets, then you will get 4 times the diodes listed above, plus 4 additional unique crystal radio diodes mixed in the pile of other "for free" diodes. 
If you need this for a school or scouts project, please let me know and I will be pleased to offer discounted pricing.

Will gladly combine the shipping with any other items that may be of interest. 

Enjoy experimenting!