Katholischer Glaube und Sittenlehre (n.d. 1914-1922? Vintage Hardcover)
This is a large book containing several different sections to teach the Catholic faith.
There is no date on the book. However, with the pictures of Pope Benedict XV opposite the title page, the book would certainly be no earlier than 1914. He was Pope from 1914-1922.
It includes a number of pictures with subtitles in German and some German & English (see pic). It contains each of the stations of the cross, with both explanations and a colored illustration (see pics).
There is a Catholic Bible Dictionary, a full translation of the New Testament (based on the Vulgate) by Dr. Joseph Franz von Allioli, a section of Bible Illustrations (in black-and-white) with explanation in German, a section on the Holy Land, and other major places, events, and biblical sights. The final section consists of illustrated lessons in English (mainly pictures with short blurbs below) intended for Catholic children and young people.
As you can see from the pictures, the pages are in very good condition, especially the colored pictures that are particularly sharp.
Please let us know if you have any questions.