Tony Robbins Unleashed The Power Within 2013
            Where The Impossible Becomes Possible
This is the workbook of Tony's most popular seminar (UPW) Brand new workbook, Zero marking or writings  and it has 182 pages of full content

I been a Tony Robbins follower for decades and if you ask me this is my favorite workbook of this seminar, 182 pages full of knowledge and exercises
This book was printed in 2013 and it has lots of things that the newer workbooks don't have, 

If you are a Tony Robbins fan you know that every year or so a new workbook comes out slightly different from previous years, Well this one got everything, (some stuff that he doesn't teach anymore)

On top of that I'm including a charm and necklace that we got in one of his seminars, is a steel circle with a word written on it and is from  (retails for $30)

I'm including the charm & necklace totally free as a token off my appreciation for buying the workbook, Please be aware that some of the charms have a little bit of discoloration because I have them in storage for few years, but they are brand new and have not been worn at all, You can repaint them on the color of your choosing 

they are 9 powerful words (breathe -  balance -  family -  lets go -  impact  -  focus -  passion -  love -  purpose)  and the one you are getting with this book is been chosen at random

Thank you for taking the time to read this listing and please visit my other ones for more cool deals

Feel free to ask any questions, ill be more than happy to answer them to the best of my knowledge