Time-release, buffered vitamin C supplement*

What It Does

Vitamin C is essential to the health and proper function of your stress response system, the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis.* Dr. Wilson's Adrenal C Formula is a buffered, time release vitamin c supplements formulated for daily stress support. The vitamin C content is in a 2:1 ratio with citrus bioflavonoids to optimize absorption and utility.*

A Word From the Formulator

I created Adrenal C Formula for people experiencing stress who need a buffered, time-release vitamin C supplement.”* -Dr. James L. Wilson

Quality You Can Trust

Expertly formulated by a physician, Dr. Wilson’s Adrenal C Formula contains only high quality ingredients and are manufactured in accordance with the FDA’s current Good Manufacturing Procedures (cGMP) to assure purity, potency and quality.

  • Buffered vitamin C to be gentle on stomach*
  • Time release vitamin C promotes optimal absorption and use*
  • pH balanced with trace minerals
  • Citrus bioflavonoids in a 2:1 ratio to ascorbic acid to enhance absorption and antioxidant potency*
  • Superior vitamin C for regular daily use*

Adrenal C Formula - Time-release, buffered vitamin C supplement for daily stress support*

sustained release

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Sustained release

Integrated sustained release to promote absorption and utilization*

Buffered and pH-balanced

Vitamin c buffered with minerals to be gentle on the stomach*

2:1 ratio vitamin C to citrus bioflavonoids

2:1 ratio of ascorbic acid to citrus bioflavonoids to enhance antioxidant potency*

Formulated for daily stress*

Formulated to provide high-quality vitamin C needed during stressful times*