Material:  Lapis Lazuli

100% Genuine Gemstone

Beads Size:8mm

Lapis Lazuli is a powerful and revered healing crystal that has been used for thousands of years for its spiritual, emotional, and physical healing properties. It is often associated with the third eye and throat chakras, making it a stone of inner wisdom, communication, and self-expression. Here are some common Lapis Lazuli healing crystal uses:

Enhancing Intuition and Inner Wisdom: Lapis Lazuli is known to stimulate and enhance one's intuition, inner knowing, and spiritual awareness. It can help you access deeper levels of understanding and gain insights into your life's purpose.

Promoting Emotional Healing: Lapis Lazuli's calming energy can aid in releasing emotional blockages, past traumas, and negative emotions. It encourages self-awareness and assists in transforming negative patterns into positive ones.

Encouraging Self-Expression: This crystal is associated with clear communication and effective self-expression. It can help you express your thoughts and feelings with confidence and authenticity.

Improving Meditation Practices: Lapis Lazuli is often used in meditation to deepen the experience and facilitate spiritual growth. It can quiet the mind, enhance concentration, and bring about a sense of inner peace.

Balancing the Chakras: Lapis Lazuli is believed to balance and activate the third eye and throat chakras, promoting a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body.