Vintage Cow Parade "La Bovene" Opera themed cow ceramic figurine. Wesltand Holdings Corporation #9172. Featured in Chicago and New York 1999 and 2000.

The World’s Largest Public Art Event

CowParade is the largest and most successful public art event in the world. CowParade events have been staged in  80+ worldwide since 1999 including Chicago (1999), New York City (2000), London (2002), Tokyo (2003), and Brussels (2003). Dublin (2003), Prague (2004), and Stockholm (2004), Mexico City (2005), Sao Paulo (2005), Buenos Aires (2006), Boston (2006) Paris (2006), Milan (2007, Istanbul (2007), Taipei (2009), Rio (2011), North Carolina (2013), Hong Kong (2013) and more…

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