Swipe, Scan, Shop: Interactive Visual Merchandising by Kate Schaefer (Paperback, 2021)

Publisher : Bloomsbury Visual Arts (11 Mar 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 240 pages
ISBN-10 : 1350092878
ISBN-13 : 978-1350092877
Dimensions : 01 x 01 x 01 cm

Product Description

The shopping experience has changed from a transactional event to a sensory experience; learn how retailers create interactive experiences to connect with shoppers enhance the shopping experience and increase brand loyalty. As shoppers become more dependent on digital devices and mobile technologies as part of their shopping experience visual merchandisers are adapting by incorporating digital technologies to tell a story alert shoppers of product locations and inventory levels and allow for customization of products as well as the ability to share products with friends. The use of virtual and augmented reality beacon technologies and facial recognition are just a few ways retailers are creating interactive displays to drive engagement and provide brand experiences. Swipe Scan and Shop i nclud es extensive interviews and company highlights with brands like Go Ted Baker and Sephora to show how retailers are embracing the omnichannel retail experience through in-store displays and window installations.

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