Deinostigma Tamiana is a cute miniature plant that blooms all year round. It belongs to Gesneriad family and a relative to African Violets and Cape Primroses (Streptocarpuses). Very easy to grow from seeds and care about.
The seeds are very tiny, dust-like and need to be handles with care. All are checked for germination. There are approximately 25 or more seeds in a package. 

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To Canada and USA it might take up to 10 business days, to other parts of the world it can be even a month or two. I do not have any control over this.

To grow Deinostigma Tamiana from seeds you can use a shallow container filled with soil mix for African Violets mixed with Perlite 1:1. It should be wet but not soggy. 
Spread your seeds evenly on top of your soil by tapping on your hand holding the package and cover with transparent lid. Place in warm well lit place and practice your patience :). Seedlings can start to emerge from 2-3 up to 6 weeks. When they have 4 leaves you can spread them out by gently lifting with a toothpick and placing them onto new place. Or simply put them back on the same spot if they are already at a good distance from each other. (if you are too scared to handle those tiny ones you can wait another little while till they grow a bit bigger). Then you repeat the process every 2-3 weeks until they are big enough to go into their individual containers. Surprisingly, this gentle root disturbance promotes the growth and you'll get them to bloom faster.

This is one of the ways to grow them.
Hope you enjoy this exciting process of growing this unusual tiny beauties from seeds to flowers :).