Please note this item has faux seams, and what appears to be a fake inflation valve—we highly recommend not sticking a ball needle in it, as it will likely ruin it, by creating a hole, and deflating it. This item dates back to the late 80’s to early 90’s but we cannot recall exactly when. There is no label to indicate brand name, nor materials content. Has been on display indoors in a clean, smoke free, climate controlled room. Has had only one owner. We are selling this as a collectible item, and not as a football to actually be played with—it is slippery to the touch, is heavy, and the hard plastic material would likely make it unpleasant to catch. We sell items strictly for adult collectors—we do not intend for this item to be given to a child, or for it to be played with by children—as it may contain parts that could be a choking hazard. Ask any questions before buying, and please be sure of purchase, we do not accept returns. Thanks for looking.