The Power of Vital Force: Ancient Secrets to Transform How You Think, Feel and Act by Rajshree Patel (Paperback, 2021)

Publisher : Hay House UK (27 April 2021)
Language : English
Paperback : 312 pages
ISBN-10 : 1788175255
ISBN-13 : 978-1788175258
Dimensions : 152 x 18 x 229 cm

Product Description

Vital Force combines ancient wisdom with the principles of psychology and self-help offering a fresh approach to happiness and success. The less energy we have the less we are alive; the more energy we have the more we thrive. This book explores the fundamental concept of prana or life energy from the perspective of the ancient Indian spiritual tradition of Vedanta. As the ancient sages described it this fundamental force is what drives our physical creative mental emotional and sexual energy. Rajshree Patel a senior teacher with the Art of Living Foundation - the largest organization in the world teaching spiritual wisdom and practice in the Vedic tradition - shares a much-needed new approach to managing our mind regulating our emotions and increasing our energy. Going beyond the usual meditation tools she offers easy accessible techniques ranging from breathwork to nutrition to a cold-water foot bath that instantly shifts energy flow all designed to reset and rejuvenate our systems for maximum life force. Read more

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