Class: What She Does Next Will Astound You by James Goss (Paperback, 2016)

Publisher : BBC Books (27 Oct 2016)
Language : English
Paperback : 352 pages
ISBN-10 : 1785941887
ISBN-13 : 978-1785941887
Dimensions : 126 x 22 x 198 cm

Product Description

We want your stunts your dares your whatevs. There is only one rule. There is no such thing as oversharing.At Coal Hill School things have started to get public. Kids have become obsessed with a website that demands you perform risky stunts or tell it your most painful secrets. And Seraphin everyones favourite vlogger wants you to get involved. All in the name of charity.At first people just get hurt. Then their lives are ruined. Finally they disappear.As Aprils fragile group of friends starts to fracture she decides shes going to uncover the truth behind this site herself. Whatever it takes whoever she hurts Aprils going to win. But then to her horror she wakes up and finds her whole worlds changed. What she does next will astound you. Read more

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