The Cardamine, also known as Japanese Cress or Japanese Ivy-Leaved Cress, is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for aquarium plant that adds a touch of greenery and elegance to any freshwater tank. Its delicate, clover-like leaves and trailing stems create a soft, natural look, making it a popular choice for both beginners and experienced aquascapers. Appearance: Delicate, round leaves with smooth edges, resembling clover or ivy leaves. Bright green foliage, often with contrasting purple or bronze hues on the undersides. Trailing stems that can reach up to 20 inches in length. Compact growth habit, perfect for foreground or midground placement in smaller aquariums. Care: Easy to care for, ideal for beginners. Thrives in a variety of lighting conditions, from low to medium light. Prefers cooler water temperatures (65-78°F). Adaptable to a range of water parameters (pH 6-8). Fast-growing plant, requiring regular trimming to maintain desired shape and size. Can be propagated by stem cuttings. Additional Tips: Plant Cardamine in groups or clusters for a denser and more visually impactful effect. Use fertilizers sparingly, as this plant is not a heavy feeder. Regular trimming is essential to prevent the stems from becoming leggy and straggly. Cardamine can also be grown emersed in a paludarium or bog garden.