Pica Glass

Meteorite Impact Melt Glass

15.9g Individual

Classification: Impact glass / tektite

Location: Atacama Desert in northern Chile


Originally discovered in 2012, Pica glass is an impact glass/tektite that is found only along a 47 mile stretch of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile, near the town of Pica.

This impact glass was formed when an asteroid or comet hit the surface of the earth like a huge atomic bomb.

The surface was partially or totally melted forming the glass. Pica glass is notably lightweight and has many folds, twists and flow lines that accentuate its attractive, semi-translucent color.

Pica glass contains abundant silt-sized and finer meteoritical particles that occur as individual phases and

complex assemblages typically associated with vesicles. They range from buchwaldite (NaCaPO4),

Ni-bearing troilite (FeS), and oldhamite (CaS) to rock fragments composed of Mg-Fe silicates,

corundum-bearing perovskite (CaTiO3), and serpentinite.

I guarantee 100% that the meteorites / tektites for sale on this page are genuine meteorites.

All my meteorites come with a Certificate of Authenticity.

GMA #G0049

Global Meteorite Association Member