As you can already see, this camera, cosmetically, is light years away from mint condition, but still might have some "redeeming social value", so let's put it up for sale and see if we can find a sucker...I mean camera enthusiast to buy it!
      The shutter still works at all speeds but might be just a bit slow on the low end.  Upper speeds sound normal (but not measured), FWIW.
      The VF is clear but the RF window, typically "squinty" when new, is OK, BUT the focusing wheel is almost impossible to turn with your thumb. The split image will move and appears to be OK, but it will need some cleaning/lube in the gear train for sure.  
      The lens has some dust and possible fungus in the forward elements.  As it is now, at about F/5.6 and smaller, there's no fungus in that light path, so the camera could probably take good pics as it is right now, but a cleaning is strongly recommended. 
      No leaks seen in the bellows with a powerful LED/darkroom check.  The frame counter turns freely as you wind the film, but was NOT tested with film.....Uh Oh! BREAKING NEWS (bad of course!). I just found my old 120 test roll and tried it. The counter will not stop at pic 1, and the top shutter release will not work. As it is now, the shutter has to be released on the small lever on the shutter assembly itself.  
With that info, I better stop typing because any more bad news might result me having to PAY YOU to take this camera away!  This camera is turning out to be nearly comparable to the 1937 Hindenburg disaster!  OMG, etc!!! PLEASE be sure to read our disclaimer below re NO RETURNS/REFUNDS, etc.  This camera gets a ONE WAY ticket out of town! Can YOU help with that?
Thanks to eBay's current draconian policies regarding returns, and parts changers, "renters", scammers, etc, we will no longer sell most items as working, but rather "officially" as parts, not working. Also thanks to the same policies, we will no longer ship directly to any country other than the US. Any overseas buyers must buy thru the ebay shipping program.
The purchaser, upon receipt, might not agree as to my assessment of condition, but that's what it was HERE in MY opinion and it's being sold officially for parts or not working. It may or may not work at all when you get it!   NO REFUNDS or RETURNS!  If you don't agree to these terms DON'T BUY IT.