TIP TOP WEEKLY #420

                   STREET & SMITH PUBLICATION


   See the video attached for the best description!!!

   These are a group of several hundred Tip Top Weeklys that we will be listed, if you need particular numbers let us know and I will see if we have them to list. This issue is in good condition.
 See the video attached for the best description.  A dealer stamp is on inside page. Paper quality is very good and complete. 

  This book is one of a large collection we are placing in our eBay store and other places of rarely available items and books.  The book is one of the many rarely seen items that we will be offering over the next few months from a collectors estate sale. Once these are gone how long before you will see them come up again. Once a collector buys them they go right back into a vault somewhere.

     We always take into consideration a customers history of buying from us when addressing "BEST OFFER" option. We will respond to you within the allotted time but if it has just been listed we will give it the full time period to allow others to make similar offers or purchase. We list many, many items that may be "One of a kind" or simply "One of a kind on the market". These items usually are placed in collections which are not seen again on the market until once again sold by collectors. If you collect, you realize that is a once in a lifetime occurrence for collectors.....


                                              BOX #128