DAZZLE is the right one-step wax based premium car wash shampoo. Formulated using natural beeswax and carnauba to restore your car glossy shine and water beading qualities quickly and easily.

DAZZLE is designed as a maintenance car wash shampoo to better protect your car paint coating with a quick and easy one-step wash and shine together application.

Say goodbye to car paint dullness with a long-lasting protective shine that makes DAZZLE the cost worthy choice of true car enthusiasts.

- Save cost and time, wash & shine in 1 go with 5-10ml per sedan car size
- Natural ingredients, environmentally save
- Fast action cleaning and waxing in 1 step.
- Rich suds
- Prevents scratching while removing dirt & grime
- Immediate brilliant gloss and depth in color for your paintwork
- Longest lasting protection extends durability and water beading properties
- Non-whitening on rubbers and black trim
- Even rubber trim and tires will have water beading properties after use
- Incredible depth and mirror like shine
- A film of protection against road grime and dust build up