Amethyst Flower Mandala Pendant - Stamped 925 Sterling Silver

Dimensions: 4cm including bale x 3cm
Includes a 20" Rolo Sterling Silver Chain

This exquisite pendant features a Amethyst encased in a captivating Flower Mandala design. Crafted from solid 925 Sterling silver, the piece showcases intricate detailing and is complemented by a genuine Amethyst. Delivered in an elegant box.

Amethyst is commonly associated with the Greek goddess Artemis. In ancient Greek mythology, Artemis was the goddess of the hunt, wilderness, and wild animals. Amethyst, which is a violet variety of quartz, was believed to be a stone that could protect and keep its wearer clear-headed and focused. The association with Artemis is due to the belief that amethyst could safeguard against intoxication, and Artemis was often invoked for protection and guidance in various aspects of life.

**The Sacred Meaning of Amethyst:**
Amethyst holds various sacred meanings across different cultures and belief systems. Here are some of the common sacred meanings associated with amethyst:

1. **Spirituality and Enlightenment:** Amethyst is often regarded as a stone of spiritual awareness and enlightenment. It is believed to enhance spiritual growth, deepen meditation, and strengthen one's connection with higher states of consciousness.

2. **Protection:** Amethyst is considered a protective stone that wards off negative energies and psychic attacks. Its purifying energy is thought to create a shield of spiritual light around the wearer, providing a sense of security.

3. **Sobriety and Addiction Recovery:** Historically, amethyst has been associated with sobriety and overcoming addiction. Its name is derived from the Greek word "amethystos," meaning "not intoxicated." In ancient times, amethyst was believed to prevent drunkenness and promote a clear mind.

4. **Peace and Calm:** Amethyst is often linked to qualities of peace, calmness, and emotional balance. It is thought to soothe the mind, reduce stress, and bring a sense of tranquility to the wearer.

5. **Intuition and Psychic Abilities:** Amethyst is associated with the third eye chakra and is believed to enhance intuition, psychic abilities, and spiritual insight. It is often used by those seeking to develop their psychic and intuitive faculties.

6. **Healing and Well-being:** Amethyst is believed to have healing properties, both physically and emotionally. It is thought to alleviate stress, balance mood swings, and support overall well-being. Some people use amethyst in crystal healing practices.

7. **Connection with Divine Energy:** Amethyst is sometimes seen as a bridge to divine energy and higher realms. It is associated with connecting to spiritual guides, angels, and the divine presence.

It's important to note that these meanings are based on spiritual and metaphysical beliefs and should be interpreted within the context of personal beliefs and practices. Different cultures and individuals may attribute varying significance to amethyst based on their spiritual or metaphysical traditions.

**Mandala Overview:**
A mandala, derived from the Sanskrit term meaning "circle," is a geometric or symbolic pattern with spiritual significance found in various cultural and religious traditions. Notable features include its circular design symbolizing wholeness, intricate geometric patterns, and spiritual or ritual representation. Mandalas are employed in meditation, artistic expression, and hold universal appeal across diverse cultures.

**Maintenance Tips:**
The pendant, made of 100% Sterling silver, may tarnish over time due to its natural reaction with elements such as acidic perspiration or contact with chemicals. It is advisable to remove the pendant before bathing or swimming. The accompanying photos are the exclusive property of eclectic shop uk ltd, and any unauthorized use is prohibited.

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