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George Cruikshank (1792 in London -1878 ebenda)

"La Bagatelle" Four Comic Songs. [Mr. Duval. The Black Mare. Medical Consolation. A Fine Stroke at Billiards]  hochwertiges Faksimile in Gicléedruck auf 250g Schwarzwaldmühle Kunstdruck-Karton (30x21cm) nach einer Radierung von Cruikshank erschienen in London 1840

"La Bagatelle" Four Comic Songs. (Mr. Duval. The Black Mare. Medical Consolation. A Fine Stroke at Billiards) high-quality facsimile in giclée print on 250g Schwarzwaldmühle art print cardboard (30x21cm) based on an etching by Cruikshank published in London 1840

Four vignettes featuring scenes from each of the comic songs contained within the publication, the first, Mr. Duval, seated at a table in a tavern, turning and pointing to Mr. Thompson, who stands with his back to the hearth, unaware that his coat tails have caught fire; the second, a gentleman in green spectacles, walking for his health, other gentlemen in carriages beyond; the third, Teddy Ross exulting at making a fine shot at a game of billiards, two gentlemen observing; the fourth, a farmer showing a village priest a black horse, pointing to the animal with glee, the dean with a hesitant expression; a central vignette with Cooke playing on a flageolet and Cruikshank holding out his hat; the whole surrounded by borders formed of tree branches; frontispiece to Cooke's "La Bagatelle"

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All prints are of course delivered without the “copy protection” watermark.

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 Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us per mail or phone.